Workforce Development

One of the most serious challenges facing the construction industry today is attracting and training the skilled workforce required to build the projects necessary for the continued growth of the Michigan economy. As a leader in the Michigan construction industry, we work hard to get the message out about the excellent careers available in the skilled trades as well as the architectural, engineering, and construction professions.
Our employees partner with committed community groups to engage with high school students and their parents to make them aware of these opportunities. We help to organize, support, and participate in career fairs, mentoring programs, and scholarship programs reaching thousands of Michigan school students every year.
Our employees routinely share knowledge and best practices not only within the company; we are leaders in the industry for promoting construction, engineering, and architecture careers. Considered industry experts, our employees are regularly invited to share their expertise with industry groups throughout Michigan and across the country.
AUCH also actively participates in minority and women-owned business mentoring and project participation programs. We work closely with our clients and industry associations to create opportunities for these businesses to grow and give back to the communities where we all live and work.